Red Sea Global’s 4th Annual Sustainability Report: towards 30% net conservation benefit

Red Sea Global (RSG), the developer behind Saudi Arabia’s flagship regenerative tourism destinations, The Red Sea and AMAALA, has unveiled its fourth Annual Sustainability Report. The report highlights how RSG and its subsidiaries are progressing toward their ambitious goal of delivering a net conservation benefit of 30% by 2040, a cornerstone of the company’s sustainability strategy.

RSG’s 2023 Annual Sustainability Report covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023, and serves as a transparent disclosure of the organisation’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance.

A Trailblazer in Sustainable Development

The 2023 Sustainability Report reveals that the RSG has made significant strides across various domains, including renewable energy, biodiversity conservation, and community engagement.

One of the most striking achievements highlighted in the report is the installation of 760,000 photovoltaic solar panels. These panels power the first phase of The Red Sea project, which officially opened its doors in 2023. This monumental effort has not only reduced the project’s carbon footprint but also positioned RSG as the largest off-grid charging infrastructure operator in Saudi Arabia, with 150 electric vehicle charging stations and a fleet of 82 electric vehicles.

John Pagano

John Pagano, Group CEO of Red Sea Global, remarked, “Seeing our first guests marvel at the pristine natural environments we are fortunate to be custodians of, reinforces what I have always believed: that our natural environment is our greatest asset. We’ve gone beyond sustainability to rejuvenate natural habitats and conserve endangered species, achieving milestones that fill me with immense pride. Our latest Annual Sustainability Report demonstrates that when we say we are committed to setting new standards in responsible development, we truly mean it. We are well on track to deliver a net conservation benefit of 30% by 2040 to the areas surrounding our destinations.”

Protecting and enhancing biodiversity

RSG’s efforts in environmental stewardship extend beyond renewable energy. The company has taken active measures to protect and enhance the natural habitats within its development sites. One of the standout initiatives is the nurturing of over five million plants at the Red Sea Landscape Nursery, which plays a crucial role in the company’s broader conservation goals.

In addition to its terrestrial efforts, RSG has pledged a “Coral Commitment”—a pioneering initiative focused on the protection and regeneration of coral reefs in the Red Sea. This initiative includes the transplantation of nearly 100,000 corals, a testament to RSG’s dedication to marine conservation. The company’s marine life scientists have been at the forefront of coral cultivation techniques, ensuring that the vibrant coral ecosystems of the Red Sea are preserved and enhanced for future generations.

Annual Sustainability Report

Further demonstrating its commitment to biodiversity, RSG has successfully transplanted 600,000 mangrove seedlings across four different sites. These efforts are part of a larger strategy to restore and protect coastal ecosystems, which are vital for maintaining the ecological balance of the region.

Social empowerment and community engagement

RSG’s sustainability efforts are not confined to environmental initiatives; they also encompass significant social and community-focused programmes. The launch of the Jewar app is a key example of this, providing a two-way communication channel for RSG to share news and opportunities with the local community, and for community members to participate and share their views.

The report also highlights the company’s commitment to social development through its employee engagement and training programs. In 2023, RSG onboarded more than 3,300 new employees, delivered over 74,000 training hours, and launched a volunteering program that has already seen more than 200 participants involved in activities like mangrove planting and beach clean-ups.

Moreover, RSG’s focus on clean mobility extends to its employees, with the company providing over 150 electric vehicle charging stations to support a sustainable commuting model. This initiative aligns with the company’s broader goal of reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation solutions.

Aligning with global standards and Vision 2030

RSG’s Annual Sustainability Report 2023 is developed in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, ensuring that the company’s sustainability disclosures are comprehensive and aligned with international best practices. Additionally, the report is closely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.

Vision 2030 is Saudi Arabia’s blueprint for diversifying its economy and reducing its dependency on oil. A key pillar of this vision is the development of the tourism sector, with a target to increase its contribution to the national GDP to 10% and create 1.6 million jobs. RSG’s efforts in sustainable development are directly contributing to this national agenda by setting new benchmarks for responsible tourism and creating job opportunities within the Kingdom.

Future outlook

As Red Sea Global continues to expand its portfolio, the company remains committed to embedding regenerative principles into every aspect of its operations. The report mentions the successful opening of three hotels within The Red Sea project in 2023, as well as the launch of Red Sea International Airport, which began receiving domestic flights in September 2023 and international flights in April 2024.

Looking ahead, RSG is poised to open a new destination, Thuwal Private Retreat, further south of The Red Sea, in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, AMAALA is on track to welcome its first guests in 2025, with the completion of the first eight resorts as part of the Triple Bay phase one, along with the Corallium wellness retreat and an iconic Yacht Club.

For more detailed insights and the full scope of RSG’s sustainability initiatives, the complete 2023 Annual Sustainability Report is available here.

Read also: Aradhana Khowala: redefining travel, tourism, and hospitality on the Red Sea coast