Saudi Tourism Authority set to join UN Tourism as an affiliate member

In a move set to further bolster Saudi Arabia’s presence on the global tourism scene, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has approved the Saudi Tourism Authority’s (STA) membership as an affiliated member of the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism). The decision, made during the Cabinet session held in Jeddah on Tuesday, marks an important step in enhancing the Kingdom’s influence and involvement in international tourism.

Tuesday’s cabinet session in Jeddah – photo SPA

Saudi Arabia is already a member state of UN Tourism, actively participating in its activities and contributing to its strategic direction. The inclusion of the Saudi Tourism Authority (the Kingdom’s destination marketing organisation) as an affiliated member signifies a deeper integration of the Kingdom’s tourism sector with the global community.

Already in 2021, UN Tourism chose Riyadh as the location for their first regional office, acting as a hub for the organisation to coordinate policies and initiatives across 13 Middle East countries.

Enhanced Involvement and Collaboration

As an affiliate member, the Saudi Tourism Authority will have greater opportunities to collaborate with other international tourism stakeholders. The STA will be able to contribute to discussions, share insights, and participate in initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable tourism practices and innovation within the industry. This level of involvement allows for the exchange of best practices and the development of partnerships that can drive growth and enhance the quality of tourism services in Saudi Arabia.

Furthermore, by joining as an affiliated member, the Saudi Tourism Authority expands its network within Un Tourism, gaining access to a wide range of resources and expertise. This affiliation provides the STA with a platform to influence global tourism policies and practices, ensuring that Saudi Arabia’s perspectives and needs are represented in international discussions.

Strengthening the National Tourism Strategy

The STA’s enhanced involvement in UN Tourism aligns with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which aims to diversify the economy and promote tourism as a key sector. As an affiliated member, the STA can leverage UN Tourism’s extensive research, data, and technical assistance to refine and implement its national tourism strategy effectively. This collaboration is expected to support the Kingdom’s goals of attracting 150 million tourists and generating one million tourism-related jobs by 2030.

UN Tourism regional office in Riyadh

Affiliation with UN Tourism also allows the STA to participate even more closely in global efforts to promote sustainable tourism practices. This includes adopting innovative solutions to enhance the visitor experience while preserving cultural and natural heritage. By aligning with international standards and practices, Saudi Arabia can position itself as a leading destination for responsible and sustainable tourism.

Enhancing Competitiveness and Visibility

Being part of UN Tourism’s affiliate network increases Saudi Arabia’s visibility on the global tourism stage. It provides opportunities for the STA to showcase the Kingdom’s unique attractions, culture, and heritage to a broader audience. This visibility is crucial for attracting international tourists and investors, thereby boosting the overall competitiveness of Saudi Arabia’s tourism industry.

As the STA takes on this new role, it is poised to drive significant progress in the Kingdom’s tourism sector, contributing to the broader objectives of Vision 2030 and reinforcing Saudi Arabia’s status as a premier global tourism destination.

Read also: Tourism Minister chairs 121st UN Tourism executive council meeting in Barcelona